Shark Repelling Chum
Reasons To Buy
- Helps Reduce Shark Interactions While Fishing
- Reduction in Lost/Broken Fishing Gear
- More Fish and Less Gear Damaged is Hundreds of Dollars ($$$) Saved
Please note that this product is not intended to completely eliminate shark interactions. Sharks are wild, conscious, independent animals that make variable decisions based off feeding and self-defense urges.
Customer Reviews
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Additional Information
SharkTec’s Time Release Shark Repellent has over 15 years of combine research, product development, and field testing by credited scientist and fishermen” and “The shark repellent polymer combines naturally occurring enzymes with a food base binding matrix. By Extracting key active molecules from decaying shark tissue this product has been proven to be extremely effective in warding off various shark species in an eco-friendly manner”
Reasons Too Buy
- Helps Reduce Shark Interactions While Fishing
- Reduction in Shark Interactions Reduce Lost/Broken Fishing Gear
- More Fish and Less Gear Damaged is Hundreds of Dollars ($$$) Saved
Best Use Case
- Bottom/Wreck fishing while boat is anchored
- Repellent in small chum cage down the line with leader
- Repellent placed up current, in same water column as sharks and fish
- Repellent placed closer to bottom as oils rise up (not down)
Top 3 Variables While Using Product
- Make sure the repellent is in the same water column (water current) as the sharks. We recommend anchored and putting the product at the bottom to increase effectiveness. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR WHILE USING PRODUCT
- Recommend using the product proactively vs. retroactively. WHY IS THAT? Once the sharks are already enticed by the boat or fish on the line, they are less inclined to use their sense of smell. We advise fishermen to give enough time for the product to dissolve so the nearby sharks are using their sense of smell vs. eyesight and Lorenzini (vibrations).
- Too much chumming may over power the repellentl. The shark repellent itself attracts fish, and we advise fishermen to chum less while using the shark repellent.
The product usage range is 1+ Hours (depending on heat and current), and we recommend fishermen to let it dissolve for 10-15 minutes before applying other fishing gear/equipment/chum etc.
Please note that this product is not intended to completely eliminate shark interactions. Sharks are wild, conscious, independent animals that make variable decisions based off feeding and self-defense urges.